Abstract:China's pig industry is facing the pressure and challenges from the epidemic situation of African swine fever (ASF) and environmental protection. In the next 2 years, the supply of pork will be tight for the quick significant decreasing of breeding sows inventory, especially in South China for the African swine fever and the pork outputs in 2019 and 2020 are predicted to decrease by about 20% and 22%-25%, respectively. The price of live pig will enter a new round of rising cycle quickly and reach the climax in the third quarter of next year. Thus, the net income will be at a good level for 3 consecutive years. In short term, the oversupply and tight supply of pork in production and consumption area showed alternatively and the live pig price in different provinces showed the same rising trend after significant different price trends of rising and decreasing. Profound changes have taken place in the distribution of pig production and slaughter, circulation pattern, consumption structure, pork trade and price cycle in long term. For regionalization control policy of the African swine fever, the pig industry in Northeast and Southwest of China will be vertically integrated, and the slaughtering capacity will be transferred from the sales area to the production area and optimized. Pork consumption habit will have to be adjusted to fresh chilled meat for the pig products transportation across provinces have to change from live pig to pork. The ratio of pork among the total meat consumption decreased from 62.7% in 2018 to 50%-55% in 2020 for the replacement of poultry meat. For the gap of pork supply and demand, as well as the price rising, China's pork import is predicted to reach 2 and 3 million tons in 2019 and 2020, respectively and in the future will maintain higher level even after the pig production capability recovery. The recovery of pig inventory will be slowed down for low breeding sows inventory, high disease risk and lacking of vaccine. To ensure the stability of the pork market and efficient implementation of regionalization control policy of ASF, the top-level design and legislation of regionalization control should be strengthened as well as the community veterinary system in rural areas and the subsidizing mechanism of mandatory culling pigs should be optimized and thus the risk of disease transmission could be reduced by the joint prevention among the government, enterprise and pig farmer, to promote the sustainable development of the pig industry.